Sexual Addiction Self-Assessment

  1. Do you become restless or irritable when sex is not available?

    Yes No
  2. Have you ever tried and failed to control the amount of sexual activity you engage in?

    Yes No
  3. Do you feel a need to conceal from others either the nature or frequency of your sexual activities? Do you lead a “secret life”?

    Yes No
  4. Have you had sex at inappropriate times, in inappropriate places, or with inappropriate partners?

    Yes No
  5. Have you lost count of how many sexual partners you have had?

    Yes No
  6. Do you continue to have compulsive sex despite negative consequences: disease, arrest, loss of finances, career, reputation, family or friends?

    Yes No
  7. Do you feel your sexual activities compromise your personal values and spiritual development?

    Yes No
  8. Do you feel shame about your sexual activities?

    Yes No
  9. Have you neglected your family, friends, or work because of the time you spend in sexual activities?

    Yes No
  10. Has your sexual behavior ever left you feeling hopeless, alienated from others, or suicidal?

    Yes No

SCORE out of 10

If your score is 3 or more , your sexual behavior may be out of control. You might be an addict. The good news is that you are not alone, and there is help. If you are concerned about your sexual behavior, call for an appointment or more information. (415) 776-0960

  • STEPPING INTO HOPE: Foundations of Sexual Recovery

    This is a 5-day educational and experiential workshop designed to help sexually addicted men break the power of compulsion and establish a solid foundation for their recovery. Participants will explore the patterns and cycles of their sexually compulsive behaviors and develop a range of recovery strategies.

    The workshop will also address underlying psychological issues which perpetuate cycles of sexual acting out, and will provide participants with practical tools to begin the journey toward healthier, more satisfying lives. This workshop is appropriate for men who are new to sexual recovery and can be a boost for those who have already begun their healing process. Attend this dynamic workshop and enhance your ability to:

    • Break through isolation and connect with other men struggling with this issue
    • Develop a network of understanding, compassion and support
    • Acquire effective skills to break the power of the compulsion
    • Deepen one‘s understanding of one‘s own addictive process
    • Address underlying psychological issues which perpetuate cycles of compulsivity
    • Work toward a healthy and integrated sexual life
  • RECLAIMING THE PAST: Healing Traumatic Wounds

    Many adult dysfunctional behaviors (e.g., addictions, eating disorders, depression and anxiety, painful relationships) are rooted in and perpetuated by unhealed traumatic wounds from childhood.

    Based on the pioneering work of Pia Mellody, this three-day educational and experiential workshop will provide participants with a safe and supportive environment in which to identify and address painful family-related issues that occurred between birth and 18 years of age.

    The focus of the workshop is not on blaming parents and/or caregivers, but rather on learning to identify and deal with the painful emotions that so often accompany such less-than-nurturing past events, and then to work on resolution of the consequent grief and anguish.

    The workshop has three stages:

    1. Information Stage:
    The concepts of boundaries and boundary violations (abuse) will be introduced. We will also explore five core issues essential to healthy personal development and a healthy relational life (self-esteem, boundaries, living in reality, inter-dependency, moderation/containment), and what happens in these areas when abuse occurs.
    2. Debriefing Stage:
    An exploration of one’s less-than-nurturing and/or abusive recollected childhood experiences, with an emphasis on the feelings associated with such experiences, especially fear and shame.
    3. Experiential Stage:
    A safe and supportive environment to release these painful emotions and begin the process of reclaiming one’s rights and personal power. The goal is to achieve a healthier relationship with self and others, and find greater balance and integration in one’s life.